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Growth Led Podcast
Product Market Fit with Craig Zingerline

Product Market Fit with Craig Zingerline

Welcome to the Growth Led Podcast.

This week I am talking about Product Market Fit.  

Some key points I touch on are:

  • Why understanding Product Market Fit is important 

  • How to know when you have it

  • Developing, testing, Iterating and improving your product

02:16 - Introduction to Product Market Fit
03:57 - Understanding the Importance of Product Market Fit
04:27 - Measuring Product Market Fit: Quantifying Your Success
09:43 - Accelerating the Journey to Product Market Fit
12:24 - The Power of Proxy Metrics
15:00 - The Tough Reality of Product Market Fit
16:10 - Common Causes of Failure in Achieving Product Market Fit
19:09 - Key Indicators of Successful Product Market Fit

Craig Zingerline

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Growth Led Podcast
Hi! I’m Craig Zingerline. 6 time founder and startup growth expert. I write about holistic startup growth. I dive deep into growth & financial modeling, customer acquisition, activation & product led growth, retention, and experimentation.